The Water Research and Technologies Center, represented by Hatem Baccouche, InTheMED Project Manager in Tunisia, attended the second edition of the Innovation Forum of the TUNGER 2+2 SUSPIRE project entitled 'Sustainable and decentralized recycling of industrial wastewater in rural areas - the example of the poultry slaughterhouse' which took place from 2 to 4 November at the ACROPOLE hotel in Tunis (Tunisia).
The forum is organized by the Water Research and Technologies Center, CERTE (Tunisia) and the Technical University of Berlin (Germany). This forum is a platform for exchange between major actors in the field of sustainable water management as well as the energy impact and the recovery of solid waste.
Eng. Hatem Baccouche participated in this forum with an oral presentation entitled: "MCDA-based Assessment of Industrial Practices for Groundwater Preservation and Pollution Reduction" (H. Baccouche, H. Akrout, T. Mellah, L. Mansouri, A. Ghrabi). This study was carried out in the framework of the InTheMED Project.